Charles Krauthammer, conservador, considera que Barack Obama fez um brilhante acordo que lhe pode valer a reeleição. Paul Krugman, "liberal", ataca o Presidente e critica o acordo entre republicanos e Obama. A opinião maioritária pende para o lado de Krugman e Krauthammer tem sido uma voz minoritária no campo republicano. O que prova que nem tudo é preto e branco. Como em muitos outros assuntos.
Obama's public exasperation with this infantile leftism is both perfectly understandable and politically adept. It is his way back to at least the appearance of centrist moderation. The only way he will get a second look from the independents who elected him in 2008 - and abandoned the Democrats in 2010 - is by changing the prevailing (and correct) perception that he is a man of the left.
This political reality makes the tax deal a bad bargain for Democrats. Think of it this way: The deal essentially sets up 2011-2012 to be a repeat of 2009-2010. Once again, there would be initial benefits from the stimulus, and decent growth a year before the election. But as the stimulus faded, growth would tend to stall — and this stall would, once again, come in the months leading up to the election, with seriously negative consequences for Mr. Obama and his party.