À medida que Sarah Palin vai emergindo como possível candidata presidencial, as críticas começam a subir de tom dentro do Partido Republicano. Hoje foi Joe Scarborough, antigo congressista e actual apresentador do Morning Joe, da MSNBC, a lançar ferozes críticas a Sarah Palin e a fazer um apelo a outros republicanos para fazerem o mesmo. Deixo aqui uma breve passagem do seu artigo, onde critica Palin por ter atacado George H. Bush.
I suppose Palin’s harsh dismissal of this great man is more understandable after one reads her biography and realizes that, like Bush, she accomplished a great deal in her early 20s. Who wouldn’t agree that finishing third in the Miss Alaska beauty contest is every bit as treacherous as risking your life in military combat? Maybe the beauty contestant who would one day be a reality star and former governor didn’t win the Distinguished Flying Cross, but the half-termer was selected as Miss Congeniality by her fellow contestants.